
Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday Motivation

I worry. A lot. And I'm not one to sit back and just let things happen. I try to change and mold and make them happen. Which is exhausting. For me, and for those around me. This week, things seemed bleak. They're taking too long, cost too much, wear me out, blah, blah, blah. And then I got a series of daily devotionals from Joel Osteen and happened to sit down one morning with Duke and watch one of his recorded sermons (I try to keep up with these as my work schedule doesn't allow us to be regular attendees of a real church) and the message was pretty clear.

If I truly believe that God has a plan, and a good one, for my life, then I need to be patient. A lot of times, we (and I mean I) feel the need to take things into our own hands in order to see something happen. Which is fine, sometimes. Other times, we can make the situation much worse. And in these cases, God simply waits for us to quit messing around so He can take control. We delay His blessings. Instead, relax and work on being a servant of the the Lord. Be a better person. Help someone else, instead of focusing on your own "problems". It's been an adjustment and isn't an attitude change that happens overnight. But I'm finding myself being able to be nicer and have been presented with a few instances where God's timing really does make sense. Which makes it that much easier to have faith. Which makes it easier to take a deep breath and enjoy today and stop worrying about tomorrow (and the next day, and the next day...).
So this week, let's take a step back from ourselves and be patient. Enjoy the now and those around you and things will start happening, at exactly the right time and in the most perfect of ways.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful words. and the "worrying" and the "waiting" get even more beautiful as we get older.
